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California Webinar CE Courses - Order Below!

  1. Review your state's CE requirements below.
  2. Click the green enroll button on each class you wish to take to add it to your shopping cart. CE Hours will be totaled in the cart and discounts will be automatically applied.
  3. Click the shopping cart icon to check out and complete your purchase.
State Regulation

We have color-coded each available course below, with a category and color from above, to denote the general curriculum of the course. All courses listed below are approved by your state, regardless of your license type.

Welcome California insurance producers!


CONTINUING EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS - Producers are required to complete 24 hours of Continuing Education every two years, three hours of which must be in the subject of California Ethics & Anti-Fraud Training (These classes are gray in color in our course listings).  In the state of California, you are required to take specific classes according to your line of authority.  On the previous page, you selected your license type, so the classes listed below are approved for you to take for CE credit.  You may not repeat a course within the same renewal cycle.


FLOOD TRAINING REQUIREMENTS - Property & Casualty producers must complete a one-time, 3-hour FEMA Flood course.  Our course, Fundamentals of FEMA Flood Insurance, offered below, meets your state’s flood training requirement.


CALIFORNIA ANNUITY REQUIREMENTS  -  You must complete the California four-hour annuity continuing education requirements to renew your license. Failing to complete the required annuity training prior to expiration of your license will not affect your license renewal. However you will be in violation of the California Insurance Code if you sold any annuity products during a license term and did not complete the four-hour annuity training during that license term. The course covers California law, regulations, and requirements related to annuities; prohibited sales practices; and fraudulent and unfair trade practices. The course is presented via live webinar, in real time, and is taught by a professional instructor.


Your State Insurance Department Website  -  http://www.insurance.ca.gov/

You Can View Your State CE Transcript at https://www.sircon.com/ComplianceExpress/NonSscrbEducation/index.jsp?nonSscrb=Y&sscrbid=9999

Upcoming Webinar CE Courses

(Listed soonest to latest thru 12/31/2025 - Click enroll to add course to cart)

Click here to download or print a PDF list of available classes Click here to view Course Descriptions

Use the dropdown boxes below to select and display upcoming courses based on course category, title, number of CE hours, or day/time of week offered.


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